Saturday 14 July 2007

Data Entry From Home, Money Maker Or Scam?

By Michael Comeau

I'm sure you've seen the ads. Data Entry for cash, Type Simple Data Entry from home, Data Entry Income and more. Can Data Entry from home be a money maker or is it a Scam?

If you are comfortable typing on a computer then Data Entry Jobs may be for you. Often there are misconceptions when data entry that you will be typing endlessly to earn nothing. The truth is though that data entry is an easy work at home job if you feel comfortable on the computer If you can type at a good speed and be accurate. Of course today with the tools available like spell check, grammar check etc, it makes it a lot easier. In fact it's possible to earn over $40 per hour doing data entry jobs online.

Another misconception is that data entry jobs are scams. This is probably the "too good to be true" adverts with promises of overnight riches working from home. Some people will join a Data Entry program and think that the money will start flowing in. If it doesn't then they call the program a failure. You won't get something for nothing. There are legitimate data entry work programs available. In fact I have a separate Data Entry web page whereby I highlight what in my opinion are the best and most popular Data Entry programs.

Data entry is one of the more popular home based business opportunities as it is very low-cost to get started. I have included a list of equipment that you will need to start below:

Access to Internet
Business cards

I would also suggest that you use a unique email address. This is merely a suggestion not a requirement.

The potential in the data entry business is great. There are many small and large companies that outsource data entry. Many people are making $1000 - $3000 a month additional income. In order to get to this level of income it is important that you understand the skills that you'll need and where to look for data entry programs.

Please feel free to visit my web page for Data Entry product reviews. If you decide to try one of our programs, please let me know your opinion of the whole process. Your opinion is important to me. I also have a FREE Email Newsletter series, which gives you the Top Rated Data Entry Programs.

Michael Comeau has been owner of many successful businesses over the years including his current online business which can be viewed at You may also find more articles by Michael Comeau at

Enter Data Online - Work From Home Benefits and Drawbacks

By Jim Bradley

The internet is filled with every variety of work from home opportunity you can imagine. From entering data online to stuffing envelopes at home, if there is a way to work at home, someone is going to try and sell you how to do it. The recent economic internet boom has allowed new markets to be developed overnight, creating a vast pool of untapped wealth that continues to grow daily. There has been a steady increase in the amount of companies offering data entry programs since this economic expansion began. The question still remains, can you get paid to enter data online through data entry programs?

What does it mean to "enter data online"? Well, there can be a number of different ways to enter data online, but the most common practice is referring to ad creation and placement for affiliated companies. There are also companies out there who offer data entry positions for hourly wages, this refers to companies looking for skilled typers to file records and other varieties of information on the web. Because the majority of data entry opportunities are geared towards our first definition of entering data online, that to will be the main focus of this article.

If you are considering an Enter Data Online opportunity there are several signs you should look for to determine how legitimate the opportunity really is.

First, be sure that there is a money back guarantee. Due to the high amount of scamming on the web, always be sure there is a money back guarantee offered before making any purchase or registration. You would not want to spend a dime on something that wasn't worth it, by having the option of getting your money back you can stay safe and also take the first step towards improving your income.

Second, the cost should be relatively low. The going rate is about $49.95 and this is ok if the opportunity is worthwhile. But be careful with high priced programs, sometimes opportunities that require the most money turn out to be nothing more than time consuming money pits.

Third, can you get support if you need it? Email is the most commonly used method of support and this is fine assuming you can get an email response in a timely fashion. Often, email support can take 3-4 days to respond through some data entry programs. A response within 24 hours should be expected from any legitimate opportunity. Its always a good idea to ask a question or two to gauge the support response time should you really need some help.

You may find that these three tips are quite simple and obvious, but they do apply to all work from home opportunities, not simply entering data online, and should always be kept in mind.

The benefits of working from home and entering data online can be seen not only financially, but also socially, and emotionally. The opportunity to increase your income from home can take a load off of an individual or families financial burdens, but sometimes the benefits reach further than numbers. By working from home you are opening yourself to more time available to be devoted to not only your own personal finances, but your family, friends, and personal health.

Working from home completely cuts a commute out of your daily schedule, immediately freeing up time that used to be spent in a car, bus, train, etc. Time spent well with family and friends because of newfound financial and personal freedom are some of the immediate visible benefits. If the your focus is for a part time home business opportunity, then the main benefits are financial as more income creates less financial stress. Working from home can create an overall improvement in the quality of life.

Data entry programs also have their own drawbacks as most things that seem to good to be true usually are. Working from home requires a certain level of discipline and focus, as those extra hours at home can get wasted very easily. If you are going to work from home, you need to be able to actually do work when you are home. Aside from personal drawbacks such as lack of focus and scheduling, its possible to run into problems actually entering data online.

More often than not, the work will be more complicated than the website has advertised. If the training provided is insufficient or simply wrong, you can spend a lot of time and money trying to figure out exactly how to get your data entry campaign rolling. This is why going with a legitimate opportunity that provides real resources and support is so crucial to the success of any work from home data entry campaign.

To determine if entering data online is the proper home business opportunity for you, weigh out the balance between the benefits and drawbacks. If you find that the program is legitimate and the opportunity is in line with in your current situation, then going forward may be your best option. There are so many legitimate work from home opportunities out there, everyone can find their own little niche and enter data online.

James has been involved in advanced internet marketing and home business opportunities for the last 4 years within the frame work of a multi national billion dollar company.

Data Entry Exposed

By Jonathan Mclean

I believe everyone who is searching for ways to make money online is familiar with the following phrases. Fill in forms for online companies and get paid or fill in simple ads for companies and make $250-$1450 a day form your own computer. Now that sounds nice and it seems fairly simple to do it. When I first saw these ads, I thought that the only thing that is required is administrative work. For example I thought you get online forms that you need to complete or you enter simple data as the ads suggest and you email it to the various companies and you get paid. When I bought the business I discovered the truth.

The bottom line is that data entry is just another word for affiliate marketing. However you pay to become an affiliate. If the sales letter said it entails affiliate marketing, I wonder how many people would purchase these opportunities? So why are so many people interested in data entry. Is it the ways the sales letters are written or does people know from the start what data entering is? I mean why should people pay to become affiliates. Why don’t people just select products from a market place or the search engines and simply sign up to become affiliates? You see if you knew what you are buying it should not be such a big deal. But if you thought you are buying one thing and it turns out to be something completely different, then it does not go down so well. So let us see how you are getting value for your money.

Lets look at the first scenario. You decide to search for companies and join their affiliate programs. The first fact that you have to consider is whether the owners of this particular product you would like to promote will provide tools or strategies to help you be successful. The second fact is whether this program have reach saturation point in the market. If the whole world is promoting the same product it will not make much sense if you also jump on the same bandwagon. In other words you can’t just become an affiliate without any knowledge.

The second scenario is you do decide to do data entry. Most important you know what data entry entails. When I decided to do data entry one thing I noticed of this particular company, was that they provided all the tools you are going to need. Even the so-called forms that you have to fill in for the pay per click campaigns are already filled in. All you have to do is submit them to search engines. The only thing you must not expect from them is to pay the advertising. They provide you with access to the top companies. Whether you decide to use classified ads, submit articles, press release or ezine letters, everything is provided. That kind of service is worth paying for in the end, simply because the average newbie does not understand marketing on the Internet. It takes time to develop the skills necessary to make a success online. The abundance of opportunities and the overload of information are very overwhelming at first. If you consider data entry, make sure that the company you choose is willing to guide you every step of the way.

Jonathan's interests are very wide, but his main focus is providing advice and opportunities to start an online business. For more information visit his site on

Jonathan Mclean

The TRUTH About 99% of the Data Entry/Home Typist Jobs

Elizabeth Martinez

I know you’ve seen the ads- “Work at home filling out forms” or “Data Entry- Earn $200 Daily filling out forms.” They are very tempting and they entice you with a high income. They are NOT scams, they are simply misleading.

These “data entry” jobs aren’t really jobs, they are businesses. You own your own business and your “job” is to fill out the “form” for Pay-Per-Click ads. You are promoting other people’s products. This is not a BAD thing, when you think about it most retail stores do this well, they simply do it in a different manner. They have the products in their store, but in this case, you would simply be placing online ads for other people’s products. This is typically called Affiliate Marketing, but some of these programs like to “hide” it as a home typist or data entry job. There are a few places where you really CAN be simply a data entry person or home typist, but they are typically referred to as a Virtual Assistant job or Administrative Assistant.

There are two issues with these programs or systems as many of them call themselves. First, they advertise as though it is data entry where you are filling out forms for other companies and then paid. They do not say that you are placing ads and that in order to get paid your ads need to produce a sale. Let’s assume that you pay for their system or for their information and you get the information and you might be disappointed, but decide to try what they say. This is where the second issue comes into play. Their systems make it sound very easy. They say that all you have to do is get a clickbank ID (for free), search for a product to promote or multiple products, and then place some PPC (pay-per-click) ads and watch the sales come in. There is, however, a great deal more to it than this. You need to do a lot of research and will need a lot of

If you are interested in the data entry that is really Affiliate Marketing, you do not need to spend $40, $50, or even $100 on a type at home system to learn this. Chances are you will spend a great deal MORE than that initial investment just learning how to use PPC ads effectively. A much more useful resource for affiliate marketing is a membership with The Wealthy Affiliate. They don’t try to “sugar coat” affiliate marketing. They do not try to say that all you have to do is place a few PPC ads and you’ll see amazing results. They also provide a great deal of tools to help you research the right products and right keywords for your campaigns AND they have learning resources to teach you how to do the research necessary. Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick scheme, but it can work much better for you than a 9-5 job and with a little effort you could be making $10,000 or more a month. Just remember, there is more to it than just filling out a form.

Liz Martinez has been working from home for 3 years. She is dedicated to helping others reach and exceed their goals to work from home through her site: You can find out more about The Wealthy Affiliate at

Work At Home Data Entry Workers Are A Growing Number

By Daegan Smith

Work at home date entry workers are ever expanding in the nation’s labor force. According to the 2000 Census, over 4 million people over the age of 16 work at home. Data entry workers are a significant portion of that group. Many employers are experiencing the need to subcontract out work to self-employed workers since the number of data entry people is declining. Job prospects for work at home data entry workers should be excellent in the years to come.

Work at home data entry processors ensure efficient handling of information for companies with a small general work force. Some of the tasks that are sent out to work at home data entry business operators are typing text and entering data into their home computer and transferring the work via telephone or cable lines. All the equipment really needed to become a work at home data entry operators is a computer, basic software, telephone or cable connections, and a willingness to work.

Work at home data entry personnel perform other tasks than just typing. They also may edit current information, proofread text for accuracy and content, and update databases for clients. Some of the types of data entry jobs include medical records, court documents, and attorney’s legal briefs. Many work at home data entry operators charge their clients by the hour, others choose to charge by the job. Either way, working at home brings benefits that working elsewhere does not.

Work at home data entry positions are available in various employment website. This option is a great opportunity for stay-at-home moms and dads with little ones to watch out for. Anyone that wants to work at home can be a data entry operator. By being a work at home data entry operator, you can set your own timetable, work as much or as little as you wish, and be your own boss and control your own destiny.


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Online Data Entry Positions from Home - Know What Is Required

By Earl Taylor

The average weekly earnings of an at-home data entry worker starts out at one thousand to five thousand dollars a week. These beginning wages increase as the at-home data entry worker becomes more familiar with the job. Many at-home data entry workers are able to quit their jobs and work from home full time.

There are numerous online data entry positions from home currently open. Already thousands of at-home workers from around the world perform data entry work. This is the perfect job opportunity for any one who dreams of working from home while earning thousands of dollars a week.

Many at-home workers no longer have to worry about paying the monthly bills. Performing data entry positions from home is a lucrative career that does not require a college degree.

The only requirements that a data entry worker must possess are a computer, Internet access and a printer. It helps if the potential data entry worker has good writing skills, editing skills and can proof read.

Data entry positions from home include work typing basic transcripts, filling out simple marketing forms, PPC data entry, submitters, web researchers, paid survey takers, paid shoppers, paid drivers, paid email surfing jobs, telecommuting jobs and other entry level positions.

As the Internet is growing by leaps and bounds this is the best time to take advantage of the expanding market of online data entry positions from home. This is an at-home business that allows the worker to earn thousands of dollars right from home. Data entry workers have the opportunity to experience limitless earning potential.

Get FREE articles and tips on data entry positions from home, work at home jobs and homeemployment. Also get a FREE subscription to all the new and latest tips on making money at home. Skyrocket Your Income At Home! Just for visiting at: CareerJobs.

Article Source:

The Advantage of Being a Data Entry Home Worker

By Earl Taylor

There are several experts that believe the prospects for the data entry home worker will become even sunnier in the years to come. The Internet is growing at incredible rates which means that there are new and exciting job opportunities that are opening each and every day.

The Internet has created a whole new job market. As the web grows there are many more possibilities for individuals to work from home. In fact thousands of employers have started to subcontract work to people who enjoy working from home. This is due to the lower costs of hiring home-based employees.

By using a data entry home worker companies are able to save literally thousands of dollars. This is not only beneficial to the company but to the home-based worker. Data entry work performed at home is perfect for single moms or dads who are unable to work outside of the house.

The data entry home worker is able to create their own schedule while acting as their own boss. The equipment that the data entry home worker needs is Internet access, a printer and a computer.

Working from home is perfect for an individual who is able to meet deadlines, manage time effectively, is reliable and holds high standards. Data entry work does not require a college degree. The only skills that are necessary are good writing skills, editing skills and proof reading.

Internet sales reached over two trillion dollars in recent years. Products purchased by consumers exceeded one-hundred billion dollars. As the Internet continues to grow this is the perfect time for the data entry home worker to jump on the number of increasing job opportunities.

Get FREE articles and tips on data entry home worker, work at home jobs and homeemployment. Also get a FREE subscription to all the new and latest tips on making money at home. Skyrocket Your Income At Home! Just for visiting at: CareerJobs.

Article Source:

How to Make Money With Affiliate Programs


If you’re the kind of person who loves to discover easy, simple and super-fast shortcuts to earning massive wealth, then, affiliate marketing is the method you can use to Flood YOUR Bank Account With Endless Automatic Cash In Days...Even If You Have NO Website, Product Or No List.

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the promotion of other people's products by a third-party (you, the affiliate), in exchange for commission-based compensation.(Even Chia)

It can not get simpler than this, You sell other people's stuff and get upto 75% commission for every sale you make. There is huge potential of making money from affiliate marketing if you play your cards right. You can learn from the success of super affiliates and fulfill your desire to work from the luxury of your home and earn handsome commissions.

How Does It Work?

All you've to do is:


Sign up as an affiliate (it's free to do so)...

Learn how to market affiliate products effectively...

Collect tons of easy commissions.

Number 1 and 3 are easy, but number 2 is a science that only a tiny fraction of people do correctly.

Remember, in your affiliate business, there are:

* NO products to ship
* NO major overhead expenses
* NO employees
* NO headaches
* NO fancy website needed

Now this is laziest, highest-producing and simplest money-making system on the planet.

Affiliate marketing is simple. It's easy. It's extremely profitable. However learning how to market affiliate products effectively is the key.

The stats may shock you:

97% of affiliates make less than a couple of hundred bucks a month! On the other hand, the top 3% that I’m inviting you to join regularly make more than 4 figures a month after they learn a few of my killer techniques.(Even Chia)

The Good News is that one of the most successful super affiliate, Even Chia has revealed his secrets in his SECRET AFFILIATE WEAPON where he teaches How To Create Avalanches Of Instant Cash With Affiliate Marketing Automatically!

This is a Must Read if you are really serious about making money online. Click here to see SECRET AFFILIATE WEAPON

How to Make Money With Blogs

Blogging To The Bank

Most of the information you read online now is just total garbage and it falls into two categories.

The info is either old and no longer works or
it is just plain theory that hasn't been tested.


There is some good news.

There are some blogging methods which work perfictly fine even for an everage person.
The best things about blogs is that they are totally free, they suck a swarm of free organic search engine traffic and making money is easy and fun.

How Do Blogs Make Money?

1- You can promote affiliate programs which pay 75% commission for every sale.
2- Adsense is an other great source of income, google pays you for every click to the ads put on your blog.
3- You can make money by driving this flood of traffic to your own website.
4- You get backlinks to your website which possess immense value to increase the ranking of your website.

Here Are All The Tools You Need

Here you will find:

An ingeniously simple formula to create cash on demand without a product or website of your own.

Why making sure you actually own your blog is an absolute must... it's amazing how many people don't know this.

Which hosting company you should use if you're just starting out... This will save you a huge headache.

Discovered... How to tap into the hottest new niches that have little or no decent competition.

The Most Successful Step-By-Step Blueprint For Long Term Blogging Success.

Which keyphrases to target to generate the most money in as fast a time as possible.

How to pass the 7 seconds test... Fail this and your blog is as good as dead.

How To Create Real Blogs In Just A Few Minutes.

Click here to visit Blogging to the Bank